الأحد، 12 أغسطس 2018

Classification of law


From olden days a human being cannot live in isolation with his neighbours
 buying and selling to satisfy his needs his relations between him and other in that Society created some sort of reports which should be regulated the authority which rules the society but is it necessary ruins rules to regulate those rapports therefore the law appears to organise the relations in the society in other meaning the regulates the behavior and conduct of the people in this study we briefly explain the principles what was the law to the student who doesn't know the branch of sciences sussed trust says thus divide this this is the city u d y study into two parts we study the theory of f law is the first part 
and the theory of rights in the second part

Classification of law

Classification of law

the basic of law division is in public and private law. This classification is based upon a distinction between the public or private character of the persons concerned.

public law is that wich regulates relations of public persons among themselves or relations arising between public person either the state or one of its authoritieswhether legislative, excutive or 
private law concerning with the relation of private person among themselves

Subdivision of public law

Public law includes several branches constitutional law, administrative law, the criminal law, the public international law, and the financial law

1- The constitutional law

It means that branch of public law of a state which streets organisation end frame of government the organs and power of sovereignty authorities and functions

The fundamental which are to regulate nations of government and subject and prescribers generally the plan and Method according to which the public affairs of the state are to be administrated

The works on constitutional law usually deals  with the state in relation to maintenance off order and the defence of the state rather than with it's expanding activities in social economic sphere

It is new gardening tool the letter that the average citizen comes face to face with the official in the course of day-to-day administration but his fundamental freedoms more likely the infringed in relation to the maintenance of order it is in this sphere that the courts are likely to be in conflict with the executive and it is to the courts rather than the parliament is it the citizen resorts for the redress of his individual grievances

thus a b text book unconstitutional law can cover only a part of the vast field uS government n status of ministers but not the details of services such as education or housing this is left to administrative law

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